Monday, May 30, 2011

Nuffnang and Hapee Special Screening

Do you know anything about Nuffnang and Hapee? 

What is Nuffnang?

Nuffnang is the first and leading blog advertising community here in the Philippines and in other countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Autralia, in fact Nuffnang is also a community that connects bloggers here in our country. They hosted a lot of events for bloggers like in movie screenings, workshops and many more in the future. Nuffnang is at most the best blog advertising community in the Philippines.

What makes Nuffnang the best among the rest?

Its easy to answer, Nuffnang made our blogging industry move to the next level!

What does Nuffnang means?

REAL GOOD! That what it means and I just say, they are REALLY GOOD and COOL! Nuffnang brings out the best about blogging while you earn. Your passion for writing and sharing thoughts and information makes you stand out when you are in Nuffnang community.

Nuffnang made advertisement and blogging FIRST CLASS!! And that's what Nuffnang is all about being true and bring smile to all the bloggers out there.

Nuffnang made advertisers to connect to people online and for that a very cool and loving community has made! A community where people love, enjoy and bring HAPEEness.

That's what Nuffnang is...

So what about Hapee?

Hapee as we all know is one of the famous and mostly used toothpaste in our country. And what makes it more interesting is that this product is Filipino made! Hapee toothpaste was awarded as the most outstanding toothpaste manufacturer during 90's and in early years of 2000's gven by the Consumer's Union of the Philippines.

And for their product's quality, I can say that Hapee makes it to the top! Economically speaking Hapee toothpaste and their other products are much more affordable than those other leading brand but with the same quality. So Hapee toothpaste is first class for the products they are manufacturing!

They also have advocacy for our environment to plant trees in La Mesa Watershed they are truly one of the most leading company here in the Philippines. They even have hosted some Dental Missions nationwide! Isn't that great?

So what does Nuffnang and Hapee related?


Hapee protects people's teeth for them to smile while Nuffnang makes a reason for a person to smile, be happy and to earn money!

They bring a total happiness and outstanding innovation.

Nuffnang brings out the best in our selves just like Hapee!

Being in their first class they can and will achieve quality and success that would make them more productive and help more people to motivate and to achieve success!

Nuffnag and Hapee brings out the best among people!
                                                made life easy!

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